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Logical Reasoning 8

Somdeb Burman | 03:00 | 4 comments

Directions (Q. 1-2): Study the following informationcarefully and answer the given questions.

Amar, Biswas, Calvin, Devendra, Ekta, Firoz, and Gavli are seven persons who
travel to office everyday by a local train which stops at five stations Kalyan, Thane,
Kurla, Dadar and Mumbai Central respectively after it leaves base station.

  •  Three among them get in the train at the base station.
  •  Devendra gets down at the next station at which Firoz gets down.
  •  Biswas does not get down either with Amar or Ekta.
  •  Gavli alone gets in at station Kurla and gets down with Calvin after having  passed one station.
  •  Amar travels between only two stations and gets down at Mumbai central.
  •  None of them gets in at Kurla.
  •  Calvin gets in with Firoz but does not get in with either Biswas or Devendra.
  •  Ekta gets in with two others and gets down alone after Devendra.
  •  None of them gets down at Kalyan.

1.At which station does E get down ?
 (a) Thane (b) Kurla
 (c) Dadar (d) None of these

2.After how many stations does Ekta get down ?
 (a) One (b) Two
 (c) Three (d) Four



      Station                               Get In                                     Get Down

Base StationEkta and ( Calvin, Firoz) or (Biswas, Devendra)XXX
Kalyan(Calvin, Firoz) or ( Biswas, Devendra)XXX
ThaneXXXOnly Firoz
KurlaOnly GavliBiswas and Devendra
DadarAmarOnly Ekta
Mumbai CentralXXX

Category: , , , , ,


  1. I dont get this question at all. its written that dev n gavli are working in the same office so they get down together at Dadar. but the solution says something else :(

    1. Yes here is some discrepancies in between the question and solution data.I will update it accordingly and will inform you.
      Thanks for bringing the issue.

    2. Hi Sristi I have made the corrections. Now check.

  2. shouldn't be the answer for q 1) be dadar..
    according to your solution also e will get down after d i.e will get down at dadar..
